Factory Space Theatre Company's Macbeth

@ Star of the Sea Theatre

$28 - $35

Factory Space Theatre Company present a brand new production of the immortal tragedy Macbeth with live drawing of scenes by E. Strange. 

"The cradle, the crown and the cauldron. Good fights, bad men and three weird sisters create a world of uncertain tragedy."

Through the live performance drawing of E. Strange and her cauldron, the audience is immersed in our world as, by magic, the set for each scene is uniquely created and shaped for every performance.

This allows the 'set image' to at once evoke an actual place and also to enforce the images of the play.

While presenting the Shakespearian text, some controversial decisions have been made - the 3 witches are not evil hags, but 3 very different sibylline creatures, who pass on information yet fight each other over what the outcome should be. Our production shows powerful attractive women with blood on their hands and passion in their hearts - not diabolical entities shaping the world of the play for their own evil gain - These ladies are far more complicated than that - and "evil gain" may not be what they're fighting for.

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Junction of Collingwood Street & Iluka Avenue