Open Rant Night


Who thought the real life soap box would make a comeback? A monthly event called “Open Rant Night” is taking-off as it moves to a bigger premises in Kings Cross’s World Bar on Thursday, 16 June.

“It’s ‘politics in the pub’ meets ‘open mic night’,” says the night’s founder, Clinton Barnes.

“It’s a lot less angsty than you’d think and people rant about a range of serious and not-so-serious topics. It’s everyday things, it’s political things, it’s sometimes about cafes accepting paywave.”

Ranters have two minutes to give their two cents. Previous rants have covered:

  • Drug decriminalisation
  • Gen Y works hard and isn’t entitled
  • Plastic bags
  • Saying “have a safe flight” like you can do anything about it
  • Obligatory “how are you”
  • In defence of Britney Spears

Audiences are generally polite, and ranters are keen to get them onside. Ranting in real life removes the anonymity of the internet. A recentGuardian investigation revealed that online abuse in the comments of their articles was out of control.

“We have nice crowds. It’s because anyone can get involved and people are more measured when they can see the strangers they’re ranting at. And we encourage ‘rants-of-reply’ to anyone who wants to counter someone else’s rant.

“It’s also unlike politics in the pub in that it’s not grey-haired men lecturing an audience but all sorts of people getting up. We’ve had men and women of all ages, teachers, cops, students, and office workers. And yes, the odd politician,” Clinton adds.

Open Rant Night has been welcomed by The World Bar’s Director, Steve Ward, who is relying more and more on creative events to survive the lockout laws.

“We’ve always provided a space for community arts and culture. But it’s become more of our focus since the lockout laws. This year, we’ve hosted a band comp for local upcoming musicians, stand-up comedy shows, and regular jazz nights.

“The range of things here certainly shows off the colour of the Cross. And we’re looking forward to supporting a fun event like Open Rant Night,” Steve said.